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Particpant ID: 19
[ show animated only ]

a) [ high_resolution, see Note ]
c) ~ 1 Hz (see Note)
b) Obs: no distortions reported.
d) [ high_resolution ]

Click on the images to see a higher resolution version (for computer monitors).
For some images, a high-resolution image is provided to highlight details ( blue link ).

NOTE: For stimulus a) the participant reported slight irregularly decreased contrast in the upper and lower parts; these are not visible if the monitor is not gamma-calibrated.
NOTE: For stimulus c) the participant reported faint, pulsating wavy edges; these are visible only on the high resolution image, not on the thumbnail.

This work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to R. Sireteanu (SI 344/17-2,3) and partly from Romanian CNCSIS to A.Iftime (TD-48/2008)