Sigla IDEI

Proiect IDEI CNCSIS 236/2007


Research project CNCSIS PN II / Idei - 326 / 2007

  1. Project summary
  2. Research team
  3. Young researchers' implication
  4. Objectives, activities, completion status
  5. Results
  6. Publications


1. Project summary (Romanian, English).

2. Research team
At the beginning of the research grant:

3. Young researchers' implication:

There are some young researchers in-training involved in this grant: Anca Popescu, Adrian Iftime, Octavian Calinescu (see below the publication list)

4. Objectives, activities, completion status:

 5. Results (detailed for each research grant time-slot):

6. Publications :

Last update: Nov. 2010
Note: this site is updated at the end of each grant time-slot completion and also whenever a publication, article or seminar arises. The structure of this page complies with the CNCSIS' guidelines (april 2010)

For any further information:
Contact: Prof. Dr. Constanta Ganea
UMF "Carol Davila" Bucharest, Biophysics department
Bd. Eroilor Sanitari nr 8
76241 Bucharest, Romania

email: constanta
[dot] ganea [at] gmail [dot] com